Já lá estavamos e por mais estranho que pareça, éramos quase os primeiros naquela gigante fila.
Assim que chegou a hora, fomos a correr e conseguimos ficar mesmo ao pé das grades. A banda de abertura foram os The Script e foi brutaaaaaaaaaaal!!
Era mesmo a noite perfeita! Meia hora depois de acabar os The Script, chegou o Jared com a 'Escape + Night of the hunter', foi o começo do melhor concerto da minha vida!!
Acabou o concerto e estávamos completamente exaustos.
- Ficam em minha casa? - perguntou a Mariza.
- What did she say? - interrogou-se o Jason, sem perceber o Português da namorada.
- She asked if we want to sleep on her house... - respondi.
- Uh, i love the idea! - respondeu o Jason, abraçando-se á Mariza.
- Rita, who was the guy that you were talking with? - perguntou a Ana.
- When?
- After the show...
- Oh, Alex?
- Did you know him? I've never see him im my life... I mean... he was a little bit like that actor in that show... how is that name?
- Hawaii 5-0? - respondeu a Tixa - he seemed like Steve McGarrett...
- No, he wasn't... He is not that Steve. . respondi
- But he is a little like him.. and HOT! - riu-se.
- Yes, he his... and tomorrow i will drink a coffe with him.
- Are you kiding me?
- No. but why? Is a normal thing...
- No, it isn't! He's HOT!!!
- Are you saying that i can't date hot guys?
- No, but...
- Are you talking about hot guys with a hot guy in here? - diz o Jason, apontando para ele mesmo.
- Calm down, tiger! Nothing is better than a hot guy with australlian accent. - disse.
- WHAT ?! he has australlian accent? - perguntou a maiza.
- Yap..
- Rita... marry him! - disse a Ana, rindo-se.
- you are SO making movies in your heads! we are just going to drink a coffe! nothing more...
- yeah... you're right. Maybe he's a asshole... He lost his son? Come on!
- but, he's hot!! - diz a Tixa, rindo-se
- Oh, Shut up!! - chegamos ao carro do Jason - I'm tired, i want to sleep, so hurry up!!!
E fomos para casa da Mariza... Entrámos e a Mariza e o Jason foram para o quarto sabe-se lá fazer o quê... A Ana e a Tixa ficaram no outro quarto, e eu fiquei a dormir no sofá. Como estava exausta, adormeci logo e só acordei com o Jason a mandar-me água para a cara.
- Rise and Shine, sunshine!
- JASON?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! - levantei-me logo.
- Come on, Rita... Wake up! it's luch time, already!
- Okay, daddy! - sentei-me à mesa - Good morning, babies..
-Almost good afternoon... - começámos a comer.
- Hey Rita... - rematou a Ana - when do you have to be on that coffe?
- what coffe?
- Don't you go take a coffe with the hot guy, today?
- Então despacha-te a comer, Maria... - disse a Mariza.
- I hate when she starts speeking portuguese... i can't get anything! - resmungou o Jason com a boca cheia.
- Ela disse para me despachar! - gozei
- Oh, fuck you! Are you making fun of me?
- You think? - ri-me e continuei a comer, tentei despachar-me o mais rápido possivel, porque ainda tinha que ir a casa mudar de roupa.
Chegue a casa, fui tomar um duche, vesti um vestido e uns sapatos de salto pretos. Agarrei na minha mala, onde coloquei tudo o que necessitava e fui apanhar o metro para o tal jardim. Quando lá cheguei, estava uma hora e meia atrasada... Procurei.o nas esplanadas e encontrei-o na ultima, já a pagar ao empregado, porque provavelmente se ia embora. Fui a correr ter com ele.
- Alex... I'm so late, i know! I'm so so so so so so so sorry!!!
- Rita? Oh... i though that you wouldn't come.
- I'm sorry... i fell asleep... i'm sorry, Alex.
- That's ok... don't worry about that. - sorriu
- Well, i guess you have already drinked the coffe
- Hum... yeah... i was waiting for you and...
- no problem. So if you have already done that, do you want to take a walk?
-where do you wanna go?
- I don't know... let's just... walk.
- Ok - começamos a andar pelo jardim - So, tell me about you.
- what you want me to tell you?
- whatever you want.
- So.. I'm Rita, i'm 25 years old and i'm portuguese.
- you're portuguese?
- yap, why?
- You don't seen like a portuguese person - rimo-nos.
- anyway... what more can i say? Hum... i'm an actress.
- An actress?
- Kinda... I'm studying for that, you know... So come on, it's your time now.
- Hum... My name is Alex O'loughlin... I'm an actor. -ri-se
- God, i do not believe it!!
- what?
- My friends said that you seem like Steve from Hawaii 5-0, but i didn't realize that was true...
- well, it's me
Ahahah ela não acreditou, mas é mesmo verdade :P
ResponderEliminarBem, o que hei-de dizeer?? ADOREI, ADOREI e ADOREI!!! Mal posso esperar pela continuação! :D
Beijão minha linda <3<3<3