- Well, it's me...
- Yeah, i know it now.
- Don't you watch the show?
- My friends do... They watch every episode. I've only watched one or two.
-Don't you like it?
- Yeah, i do, but sometimes i don't have time to do it.
- So you better start do it now. - ri-se
- oh yeah? or...
- Or i'm gonna... do anything. -ri-se - you see only if you want to.
- I will watch it now, just to see Steve in action. - ri-me
- But yeah... i'm an actor... i have a son, but you already know that, right?
- yeah, he's Saxon, isn't he?
- yes. he's 4.
- and where is he now?
- with a nanny
- why didn't you brought him?
- i didn't know if you like children...
- Of course i like children! Who doesn't? - riu-se - But how did he react when about your wife... or his mother... ? We dont have to talk about it if you dont want to.
- No, that's fine. He was very young, you know... i think that he doesn't remember that.
- But you talk about her with him, don't you?
- Of course.. everyday. - baixou a cabeça.
- Hum... i'm seeing that you still love her. - sorri.
- No, no... it's been a long time, you know... it's a different love.
- There's no problem with that. It's cute.. I guess she was the love of your life, wasn't she?
- Yes, it's true... but, can we talk about other things, please?
-Course, whatever you want. And i'm so sorry that i was so so so so so late...
- No problem... its ok - Ri-se
O meu telemóvel começou a tocar a musica 'Night of the hunter'' dos 30 seconds to mars, mas eu nao quis atender.
- Won't you answer the phone?
- oh, we are talking, i thi....
- no, i dont mind at all... you can answer it.
- Thanks - atendi - hello?
- Rita, vamos ao cinema? - perguntou a Tixa.
- Vamos? ver o quê?
- O The Back-up Plan... uma comédia romantica que a Ana queria ver.
- The back-up plan? - ouvi-o a rir-se - What? - perguntei.
- Nothing.. - sorriu
- Tixa, o filme é com quem? Sabes que eu nao gosto de comédias românticas.
- é com a Jennifer Lopez e com o Alex nao sei das quantas.
- Tás a brincar? - olhei para ele
- não. porquê?
- O'loughlin? - ele acenou-me com a cabeça
- Deve ser isso. É o Steve do Five - 0, porquê?
- Porque afinal, o hot guy do café é mesmo ele.
- estás a brincar?
- nao tou nada!
- Vá, mas depois falamos. Vens?
- vocês vão quando?
- agora... porque é que não o trazes?
- Tixa... uma estrela de cinema a ir ver o próprio filme num sala cheia de fans... um bocado suicida, nao achas?
- Opá pergunta...
- Ok... - desliguei.
- So... the back-up plan?
- Yap. it's me... - poe as maos nos bolsos.
- why didn't you tell me?
- Just... forgot.
- Well, anyway... my friend want to go with them watch the movie and she asked if you want to come with us.
- Hum... it's...
- yeah, i understand.
- But we can go, but we have to be carefull, ok?
- Ok, let's go?
- Hum hum... - eu ia a andar para apanhar o metro e pensava que ele vinha atrás de mim, mas parou no meio do caminho. - Rita, where are you going?
- to the subway... we're going to Mariza's house...
- why dont you come in m car? - aponta para o carro
- Oh, you brought your car... i didn't know... - ri-me - Sorry.
- Do you know how many times that you excuse me, today? - rimo-nos.
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