segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

Capitulo 14 - Snooker? I Don't think so. (Parte I)

Entretanto, enquanto o Shann estava a dormir, vesti-me e fui até à cozinha.

- Good evening, guys. - O Jared, a Annie, o Tomo e a Vicki estavam na sala a conversar e a rir.

- Hey Rita, how are you?

- Great! and you?

- awesome - sorriu o Tomo

- Where's Shannon? - Perguntou o Jared

- He felt asleep...

- Go wake him up, sweetheart. We have to go buy the dinner.

- Oh, no... We'll go there. You take almost 5 hours on shopping... - disse a Vicky amavelmente - Would you go with me, Honey?

- Thanks, Honey. - diz o Tomo

- I'm going to wake Shannon. - Voltei ao quarto sem chegar a ir à cozinha (Whatever -.-). Voltei a vestir-me e pus-me em cima dele. - Shanny? - Fiz-lhe festinhas no peito

- Hum... - abriu um olho e olhou para mim - Please, don't tell me to get up...

- We gotta go Shannon. Annie and vicky went to buy some dinner.

- You'll dinner with us?

- Yap...

- Good.

-Vá, Dress yourself. - Voltei a levantar-me.

- Hey, come here! - puxou-me, de modo a cair na cama - Stay here with me for a while - Pôs a mão na minha barriga.

- Oh, don't touch my belly honey...  my stomach is a mess...

- What's wrong?

- I don't know... maybe i ate something that was not good.

- It hurts you where? - Pôs a mão por baixo do meu umbigo.

- No, it's not my period... I'm actually late a couple of days... it's maybe because i've been nervous.

- or... - soltou um sorriso de orelha a orelha.

- Whaaaat? - continuou a olhar para mim - Why are you looking at me like that?

- Maybe you're pregnant. - beijou-me na bochecha.

- Don't you want to have a son with me? - beijou-me a barriga

- I don't know.. - Ri-me - And who's saying that the son would be yours?

- Hey, that's not even funny!!

- ahaha, come here! - puxei-o para cima de mim. - You're such an idiot - beijei-o

- We better get out of here, so i wouldn't resist you.


- Hey yo!! - aparecemos na sala quanto já tinham chegado a Annie e aVicky

- Who's gonna cook today? - perguntei

- Tomo, of course

- Honey, if you are going to make apple pie, don't forget the apples! - goza a vicky

- Ahahah Very funny -.-  - diz o Tomo


Quando acabou o jantar, decidiram:

- Who wants to play snooker? - Sugere o Shannon

- Oh, i pass... i'm not very good at snooker. - resmunguei

- No, no. Sweetheart, we teach you. - diz o Jared pondo o teu braço nos meus ombros

- No, Jared.  Thank you - Sorri

- Whatever - Ri-se e pega-me tipo saco de batatas.

- Jay!! put me on the ground! - esperneei, enquanto ele andava às voltinhas - Shannon, stop your crazy brother!!!

- Nope!! - Gozou

- Shann!! Come on. Jay, i'm gonna throw up. - Ele parou de andar ás voltinhas e levou-me para a sala de jogos. - You know i have feet to walk, right?

- But this is funnier...

- FOR YOU!!! - Pôs-me no chão - Thank god!!

-  Let’s play. – O Jared agarrou no triângulo e colocou as bolas no sitio. As equipas eram eu, o Jared e o Shannon contra a Annie, o Tomo e a Vicky.

- Who’s first? – perguntou o Tomo

- You want me to start?

-    No, it’s ok.. We start.

Quando chegou á minha vez, sabia que não ia jogar bem.

- Ok, everybody. Ready to lose? – gozei comigo própria.

- I’ll help you. – O Shann pôs-se atrás de mim e ensinou-me como pegar no taco. Ajudou-me a jogar, mas mesmo assim não acertei no buraco.

- Damn… - Resmunguei.

- That was good…

- Nop, it wasn’t.. – Ri-me – baby, would you give me a cigarette?

- Sure – esticou o braço para me dar o cigarro e eu coloquei-o na boca. – I’ll go outside, ok? Jared can Play for me. – Fui então para o jardim e sentei-me num muro. Tirei o isqueiro do bolso e acendi o cigarro.

- Are you ok? – perguntou o Shannon também com o cigarro na boca.

- Gosh!! You scared me!

- Sorry – Riu-se – Are you thinking about what, here all alone.. ?

- About us…

- Really? And…

- And we have to learn to trust each other..

- Shh.. – Pôs-se á minha frente, no meio das minhas pernas – Everything’s fine…  Let’s start again, like when we first met.. Hi beautiful… I’m Shannon.

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