terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011

Capitulo 12 - Toco ou não?

Uma semana depois:

- Annie, eu vou lá!

"Vais? Boa boa. Então boa sorte! E liga-me quando puderes para me contares as novidades."

- Está bem, está bem. Vá, beijinho. Love you.

"Love you, too"

Saí de casa e apanhei um taxi até uma casa que eu conhecia tão bem como a minha.
Fiquei à porta indecisa: Toco ou não?
Whatever... Toquei à campainha.

- Please Shannon, open the damn door.. - rezei, baixinho.

- I'm comming!! - respondeu.

"Thank god" - pensei

- Hi, Shannon - Disse-lhe quando ele abriu a porta.

- Rita, what the hell are yo... - Assim que olhei para ele, com ar de quem esteve a vegetar o dia todo em casa, agarrei-o e beijei-o, como se já não o visse há 50 anos.

- I knew you would come... - abraçou-me com força e pousou o seu queixo no meu ombro e eu a minha cabeça no seu peito. - I'm sorry, babe. I'm so sorry.

- No... I'm sorry. It was my fault.

- Honey, are you sure you wanna stay with me?

- Yes, i'm so sorry. - Ao olhar para ele e ver aqueles olhos verdes acastanhados a olhar para mim desesperadamente, não resisti em soltar algumas lágrimas.

- Shh.. Don't say anything, babe...  - Abraçou-me outra vez - I love you so much... - sussurrou.

- Don't say it like that. Makes me feel bad =\

- Why? You still love me, right?

- Of course i love you. I love you more than anything.

- Good. That's good. - sorriu - Do you wanna stay here with me for a while?

- Sure. - Entrei e enroscámo-nos no sofá. - Where's Jared? he isn't here, is he?

- No, he went to Annie's house.

- Good, so we can be alone here.

- Yap. - fez-me uma festinha na cara - Look, i gotta ask you something.

- Yeah? Go ahead.

- We're gonna start a new tour on a couple of months...

- Oh, again?

- ... do you wanna come with us? - passou o polegar pela minha bochecha.

- Go with ya? On tour?

- Yes, so we can be together all the time.

- Shannon, i can't.

- No?

- A friend of mine asked me to participate on the second season of Hawaii 5-0 and i will have to go there..

- For how long?

- 5 months...

- That's... that's a lot.

- I know...

- When do you have to go?

- In 4 months...

- No problem, we'll figure that out.. - beijou-me - You know.. i'm so sorry that i had cheated on you. You have no idea.

- Shannon, i said that i didn't trust you, but...

- Rita, we better stop talking about that... everything's gonna be just fine.

- But maybe... - interrompeu-me

- ... Maybe tonight we can forget about ir all...

-... it could be just like heaven. - Ri-me enquanto punha as minhas mãos por baixo da sua camisola.  - You're not going to sing Stranger in a strange land, would you? - Ri-me

- Enemy of mine. - beijou-me.

- Oh god. - Ri-me

- I fuck you like the devil - Sussurrou

- Violent inside, beautiful and evil.

- I'm a ghost. You're an angel!

- We're one and the same... Ok, that's enough. - rimo-nos

- So, what do you wanna do now? - perguntou

- What do you mean?

- I don't know... Like watch a movie, or something.

- Oh for a second i though that you were gonna ask to...

- Oh, not today honey. I don't feel like making love. I just wanna stay here, hugging you.

- Are you mad with me?

- Not anymore, babe.

- I'm so stupid - virei-me de costas para ele, deitei a cabeça no braço do sofá e ele abraçou-me

- You were right. It was my fault, but i don't wanna talk about that anymore

- Thank you?

- What for?

- Forgive me

- You're welcome.  - ri-se - Now i would just keep the silence. I just wanna watch you rest. You're beautiful, you know that?

- Shut up, you're making me blush.

Ele beijou-me na nuca e fez-me festinhas até que eu acabei por adormecer nos seus braços

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